
Cristina Rampazzo was born at Giussano (Milan) in 1968. After her artistic maturità she graduated in Architecture at IUAV, the Architectural Faculty of Venice, with specialization in Historical Architectural Restoration. From 1996 to 1998 she collaborated with various architectural studios, and since 1999 she has run her own private practice and studio in Padua, via Carlo Rezzonico, 24. Her professional activities include projects, restoration, restructuring and internal architecture. It also deals with historical-architectural research of buildings bound by the Code of cultural heritage and landscape, Legislative Decree 42/2004.Expert in the subject of Architectural and Urban Composition (ICAR/14) at the ICEA Department of the University of Padua. Member of the City Architecture examination committee, 2022-2023.


Restoration, Restructuring and Internal Architecture – Projects and Works Direction

  • 1999-2001 Restoration, piano nobile of a Palazzo attributed to G.Jappelli, historic centre, Padua
  • 2000-2001 Restructuring and amplification of a rural building at Saccolongo, Padua
  • 2001-2002 Restructuring of a commercial-directional building at Sossano, Vicenza
  • 2002 Internal furnishing of a clothes shop in Padua
  • 2002 Restructuring and furnishing of a professional studio in Padua
  • 2001-2003 Restoration of a rationalist building, historic centre, Padua
  • 2003-2005 Conservative restoration of a residential building, historic study, Este, Padua
  • 2005-2008 Restoration of Villa La Peruviana at Seveso, Milan
  • 2006 Survey and analysis of the deterioration of a historic building Ca’ Alta at Marano Vicentino, Vicenza
  • 2008-2009 Restructuring of a 50s apartment in Padua
  • 2010-2011 Restoration of a Tabià (barn) at Gares, Belluno
  • 2012 Restructuring of a 60s apartment in Padua
  • 2013 Restructuring of a 70s apartment in Padua
  • 2014-2015 Restructuring of a 70s apartment in Padua
  • 2015 Restructuring of a apartment in Padua
  • 2017-2018 Restructuring of a 70s apartment in Padua
  • 2018 Restructuring project of apartment in Piove di Sacco
  • 2020-2022  Furnishing of apartment in San Marino

Historical research

  • 1999 Historical-documentary analysis Del Borgo of Monteacuto of Puegnago del Garda, Brescia
  • 2002 Monographical study of the Paduan painter G.B. Cromer, with a preface by Mons. Claudio Bellinati, Director of the Biblioteca Capitolare of Padua and Prof. Laura Sesler, who teaches History of Art. The volume was published on the initiative of the Agna town council with a contribution of the Veneto Region.
  • 2004-2005 Historical and artistic research of Villa La Peruviana at Seveso, Milan
  • 2018  “Against the adoption of external cladding in interventions on the existing construction. The polyclinic of Padua by Giulio Brunetta as a case study”, in Science of cultural heritage XXXIV International Conference 2018: Intervention on the surfaces of architecture between balance sheets and perspectives, Bressanone, July 2018

Architecture ex novo – Projects and Direction Works

  • 2008-2010 Casa2N at Campolongo Maggiore, Venice
  • 2007 Hanging garden of a residential building, historic centre, Padua
  • 2007 Restructuring project and internal furnishing of a 50s apartment in Padua
  • 2010 Residential building for 12 housing units at Campolongo Maggiore,
  • 2018-2019 Residential unit project in a three-family building, Este.


  • 2004 Scenic design of a studio, Antenna 3, Treviso
  • 2005 Main door, corten steel, stoneware, painted steel, Padua
  • 2007 Wardrobe, cherry and pear-wood, copper, Padua
  • 2007 Bookshop, corten steel, methacrylate, Padua
  • 2012 Enclosure, pedestrian and motorized entrances, painted steel and corten, Campolongo Maggiore, Venice
  • 2012 Project for a dividing wall, Padua